Saturday, May 16, 2009
Pucuk Rebung Associates, Assemble!!
It had been quite a period since our last visit and activity day with Khairiyah orphans.
On behalf of da crews, i would like to apologize for this silent-days...
Well, it is not as 'silent' as it seems. Many of our members had achieved great posts in their varsities, college and institutions; whether in students' clubs or as Student Representative Council / Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (SRC / MPP).
Congratulations to them!
Your achievements reflected our team success on building towering personality among its members. May your leadership would be a great asset for curing da Ummah.
However, it is best to be reminded that we are still on our own platform of foundation. And yet a foundation, as a training centre of mere challenges, before we can truly define Real World and Real Challenges. Rabbuna Yusahhil, Insya Allah...
Now, lets get to da point.
We're planning for another visit to Khairiyah, da details are as follows:
Date: 23rd of May 2009*
Day: Saturday
Time: 10.30am - 3.00pm
Venue: Khairiyah, of course!
*(Starting 29th of May and a fortnight onwards; is school holidays, da kids will return to their guardians. Thus, this visit can't be postponed further)
Every member of Pucuk Rebung, MJSC TGB 06/07, ANSARA Jasin/TGB, and Friends are invited. Your presence is highly Welcomed.
And so, there are a few 'perkara berbangkit'.
1)Hope someone could propose any proper (LDK) modules for us to conduct there.
2)As for transport, we might as well have some help from those at Klang and Shah Alam (Zafree, Hisham, Athirah, and others), if you guys don't mind; to fetch those whom travel by KTM.
3) Our fund/equipment (Preparation n Technical), including our Lunch; i was hoping to have Khairiyah's wonderful chefs cooked some extra for us, so we may have Lunch with da kids. And this would need some $$$ and exact number of members coming.
For those who interested to participate or contributing on this
"Pucuk Rebung Associates, Assemble!!",
Just give a shout at our shout box,
email me,,
or ym,,
either sms/call, 013-2237578 or 013-6329563...
Looking forward for our visit,
Friday, December 12, 2008
A Dream Come True... (Last episode...)

nak kemana bapak?
Dr.Aziph became da opening doa reciter, his doa was simple but touching. then, its time for Haji.Tolos to give his speech, i'd try to recall da speech...
everyone hangs to da speech
Assalamualaikum buat semua anak-anak dan penganjur majlis pada hari ini...
bapak ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada warga Al-ANSORA kerana sudi hadir membantu kami di sini. kehadiran tuan-tuan seperti golongan Ansar yang membantu kami, para muhajirin di sini.
Sebelum itu, ingin saya terang kan latar penubuhan rumah kebajikan kami. rumah kebajikan ini diasas kan sekitar tahun 50-an sebelum merdeka, oleh bapa mentua saya; yakni ayah kepada isteri saya.
Sewaktu beliau menyerahkan rumah kebajikan ini kepada kami suami isteri, beliau ada berpesan kepada isteri saya, katanya,
"Som (Kalthum), sepanjang kamu kendalikan rumah ini, jangan sekali-kali kamu meminta bantuan orang lain".
maka, isteri saya pun bertanya,
"kalau begitu, dari mana nak dicari duit untuk menguruskannya pak?".
"Minta lah kepada Dia, sesungguhnya Dia lah sebaik-baik pemberi pertolongan..."
dan dengan pesanan itu lah, Alhamdulillah, rumah kebajikan ini dapat bertahan hingga hari ini. dan untuk makluman tuan-tuan, bangunan dewan dan surau di sebelah kita ini,

Adalah hasil sumbangan Naquib al-Attas sewaktu tahun 60-70 an. dan ia menelan belanja yang besar, puluhan ribu ringgit dibelanjakan. Tuan-tuan, pada waktu itu, untuk mencari wang sepuluh ribu ringgit pun amat perit ya tuan-tuan.
Namun, usah lah tuan-tuan bimbang untuk membelanjakan harta bagi membantu kami di sini dan anak-anak yatim umumnya ini kerana Rasulullah s.a.w. ada mengatakan bahawa "mereka yang membantu anak-anak yatim, di akhirat nanti akan berada disampingku seperti 2 jari ini (i cant remember which finger)".

pengganti Raihan
they sang some songs lovely, that stunned da guests to take these artists photographs...
right after da show, every member of khairiyah received some goodies from ANSARA Jasin itself, one big bag for each ..
oh, and not forgetting, da cheque giving event,

sebelum orang lain makan, biar aku testing dulu...

Smile, team~!
After 1 month of rest after SPM, maybe it is time for this charity programme to be handed down to da next generation...
but, well...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
A dream come true (Episode 1 of 2)
On 1st November 2008, an unforgettable occasion had taken place at Khairiyah. So meaningful, we even had guest from Kuantan, just to witness this event. Actually, I am not planning to make a formal report, hope you did not mind.
There are much 06/07 TGBrianz who came, Dhiyauddin, Asyaari, Hisham, Haziq, Zaiem, Farid, Muhammad, Hafiz, Zafree, Ateeka, Helya, Fiza, Zahia and Khairani.
By 8.40am of 1st November; I, Asyaari, Haziq Sis, and Ateeka get into a group at KL Sentral. As usual, we took KTM for Klang…
It almost like da first time we went to Khairiyah, da station is not thronged, there are some foreigners asking us for directions, we chatted like we haven’t meet for years… and our minds were imagining da faces we would help…
Helya was waiting for us at KTM Shah Alam Station…
Way back during 3rd of February, Zafree and Athirah Nur were waiting at KTM Shah Alam for me, Muhammad and Liyana as we depart from da same exact place,…
As we arrived at KTM Klang, Hisham greet us and he drove us safely to Khairiyah…
Da ‘Fisrt Squad’ were taken to Khairiyah by Athirah’s Unser from KTM Klang, driven by her father. Well, at that time none of the group members had a license or even a car. Gradually, after da first visit, we had Zafree with his Gen-2 and Hisham with his Kembara…
Haji Tolos dan isteri
Just as we stepped into Khairiyah, Haji Tolos hugged me and gave us an unmistakenly, sincere smile. From their hall, I could see Daniel waving hello and Siti Zubaidah with her friends get out from da hostel to see who is visiting…
When we first get there, bapak seems confused by our presence and asked us questions but later on accompanied us, showing us around Khairiyah… introduced us to da kids, and exchanging weird glances among us…
Khairiyah had us in surprise, their ‘Meja Cendawan’ that been repainted, with pink. Da playing courts had a nice big canopy on them, amusingly covered the place. Like a grand dinner hall had just been constructed, with all da tables and balloons… Most of us are helping out on da balloons, blow it big enough, tied it around da ‘hall’….
This is my Balloon!
Ikat belon tu, ikat...
Kita buat sama-sama ye
To be continued...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Expected TGBrianz on 1st Nov
Khairiyah's Open-House
on 1st of November 2008:
- Dhiyauddin Athir bin Nadzari
- Mohammad Haziq bin Mohammad Sis
- Muhammad Irfan bin Mohamad Idrus
- Zaiem Akmal bin Zarkasi
- Badrul Hisham bin Burhanuddin
- Mohamad Khairul Amilin bin Ismail
- Abdul Hafiz bin Muhamad
- Helya bt. Ghafar
- Nor Ateeka bt. Mohammad Khamis
- Athirah Nur bt. Amirulhusni Alshukor
- Najibah bt. Mohamad Kazmin
- Zahia Afiqah bt. Zamri
Do spread on da words to others.
Syukran Jazilan.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
support us...
will discuus bout the transport to go there later.. any suggestions, text me ok...
Monday, October 20, 2008
2nd Gotong-Royong for Khairiyah
which is scheduled on 1st of November 2008 (Saturday's evening);
da group would like to invite all visitors of this blog for
a Gotong-Royong at da orphanage.
Insya-Allah, da Gotong-Royong will take time on
1st November 2008 (Saturday's morning), under supervision from da organiser.
Those who interested to lend a hand, you may sms your full name to us,
Dhiyauddin- 0132237578 or
Helya- 0145002945
before 3.00pm, 29 Oct.
do note us if you are not sure how to get there.
In addition, da Raya Celebration at Khairiyah (mentioned below) comes with a reasonable fee,
RM 10
which later on will be used
to improve da orphanage infrastructures and education facilities.
Selamat Hari Raya.
See you there, at Khairiyah
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Open Raya-House for Khairiyah!

Just as da Pucuk Rebung members discussing for a visit during Aidilfitri,
We were informed by Dr.Asri, that.....
ANSARA Jasin are organizing Rumah Terbuka ANSARA Jasin at Khairiyah itself!
For those who interested to join, you may refer to da ad above and click da icon to have ur map for da journey to Rumah Kebajikan Anak Yatim Khairiyah.
Just to add up da info, da Masjid that is pointed in da map is a big Masjid, mainly coloured Green and White.
Friday, August 8, 2008
From Ansara Jasin's Page.
Anon has donated a washing machine, so we need just one more. TQ,
Adam SPM87 is sponsoring ustaz mengaji for the kids at the Home.
Finalizing the time to teach them. TQ, Adam.
Azmin SPM86 is donating 2 pingpong rackets. TQ, Azmin.
Today, we went to deliver the workbooks for the kids sitting for
major exams, the iron/ironing boards and some clothes.
To those who want to contribute via Maybank2u can contact (call/sms)
me directly at 0193216578 (Lyza).
1. Mesin basuh - 1 unit masih diperlukan. 1 unit telah
disumbangkan oleh Sdri. Zainuritha Alpha SPM88. 1 unit telah
disumbangkan oleh Anonymous. Jumlah sumbangan yg
diperlukan adalah 3.
2. Papan putih beroda - 1 unit. Untuk ditempatkan di dewan untuk
bantuan mengajar bersaiz 4’x6’
3. Tong sampah besar - 2 unit. Lagi besar lagi bagus
4. Ampaian baju - 1 unit. Untuk ditempatkan di Asrama Perempuan
5. Peralatan sukan - Tiang bola jaring/bola keranjang (the current
one dah patah). Peralatan seperti reket pingpong, badminton dan
aksesori seperti jaring, bola dsbnya. Meja pingpong dah ada.
6. Kos penyelenggaraan (bantuan kewangan atau/dan kepakaran).
Buat masa ini, kami telah mengenalpasti bantuan segera yang
diperlukan seperti berikut:
a). Penyelenggaraan tandas lelaki dan perempuan
b). Penyelenggaraan tangki air yang telah dimamah usia
c). Mencantikkan keadaan persekitaran rumah Khairiyah.
7. Bantuan kewangan - target RM6000
1. Seterika/papan seterika - 2 unit telah disumbangkan oleh Sdri.
Ijon SPM88
2. Galang penyangkut baju - 2 unit telah disumbangkan oleh Sdri.
Noriah Aziz(SPM85)
3. Bantuan kewangan - RM2210
We are working towards a 15 AUGUST deadline so jangan tunggu lagi!
Sila hulurkan bantuan anda kepada:
Name of account holder: ANSARA JASIN
Account Number: 0665-11-000521-5
Bank: EONCAP Islamic bank (EON Bank)
(please inform us when u've banked in)
Atau hubungi:
Sekretariat ANSARA Jasin
No. 7-1, Jalan Anggerik Vanilla T 31/T,
Kota Kemuning, Sek 31, 40460,
Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA
Tel: 03-5121 7003
Fax: 03-5121 8003
Atau telefon:
Zalina Halim(SPM88) 0122110634
Harina Yatim (SPM88) 0192880789
Lyza (SPM86) 0193216578
To provide hope for a better life for the children of Rumah
Kebajikan Anak Yatim dan Miskin Al-Khairiyah, Sungai Pinang, Klang
through the generosity of our contributors by providing children
with program benefits and services that meet basic needs, enhance
their self-esteem and raise their physical and educational levels in
a meaningful, lasting way.
> > Lyza
> > SPM86
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Anak Yatim Bantu Mangsa Kemalangan
Demikian cerita salah seorang penghuni Rumah Kebajikan dan Anak Miskin Khairiyah yang membantu menyelamatkan mangsa. Menurut beliau, kejadian berlaku kira-kira jam 5.15 petang di persimpangan masuk ke Kampung Sungai Pinang ketika beliau dan rakan-rakannya dalam perjalanan pulang ke asrama mereka dengan berjalan kaki.
Beliau bersama 4 rakannya yang enggan nama mereka disiarkan, membawa mangsa ke asrama mereka dan diberi rawatan cemas.
Mangsa dikenali sebagai Muhammad Irfan Mohamad Idrus, 18, dikatakan sudah menyedarkan diri kira-kira sejam selepas itu sebelum dia dibawa ke hospital dan membuat laporan polis. Dalam pada itu, pengawai polis yang bertugas tidak menolak kemungkinan kemalangan itu disengajakan. Motif kejadian masih disiasat.
Kereta yang melanggar mangsa dikatakan adalah sebuah kereta Proton Gen-2 yang berwarna peach. Mana-mana orang awam yang mempunyai maklumat berkaitan kejadian boleh memaklumkan kepada mana-mana ahli skuad Pucuk Rebung di talian,
Monday, July 28, 2008
A Sunday.
27 Julai 2008, Ahad.
By 0920, I start my journey from UIA accompanied by Lutfi.
We arrived at KL Sentral by 1000 and KTM Klang by 1115.
By that time, da UiTMs were having their breakfast at Bismillah Restaurant, just in front of da station.
Sambil ktorg makan-makan, bdk2 INTEC dah pun sampai Khairiyah.
So we hurried up to da bus station n managed to set our foot at Khairiyah by 1155.
Da TGBrianz that present are, Zafree, Izzatur Rahman, Hafiz 518, Iqbal 516, Muhammad 518, Farid Izzudin, Lutfi, Dhiyauddin, Nadira, Zahia, Athirah Nur, Aqidah 505 dgn Intan bdr.
da INTECs ride along Zaf’s Gen-2, as we got there,
Bunyi gitar dah memekak. Diorg dah start maen game Guitar Hero kat dewan, volume TV >80%. AISh…… riuh satu Khairiyah…. tp bapak pun layan….
I spent much time to excavate their caves. 2-3 beds had broken due to their age. 2 of it are da beds in our shooting. Then, I found rest of da kids at da back of their hostel,
Ade yg tgh rebus+bakar ubi keledek (sweet potato). Rupe2 nye, Majlis Perbandaran Klang, MPK ade bagi diorg buah rambutan, durian dgn ubi keledek skali, satu bakul besar. Bila diorg tau yang ktorg datang, diorg pun start masak keledek utk abang2 dgn kakak-kakak diorg.
Petugas dapur pun ade volunteer
Macam2….. bdk2 U pun join maen skali. Maen ape ntah…. yg pki lagu smbl pusing2 keliling kerusi…. Ah, Musical Chair! Dengan 2 PSP, campur pulak dengan PS2, memang macam2. Sambil tu, kami semua menjamu diri dgn buah2 yang tertinggal berserta coklat2 yang dibawa bersama.
For those who didn’t know yet, this is da schedule of da main exam,
9th of September- UPSR
13th of October- PMR
12th of November-SPM
N da UPSR Trial would start by 28th of July, da day after da visit.
Do Your Best ADIK2!!!
All of us enjoyed da sweet potatoes.
Before we leave, da guitar master had his final string concert. Da play was remarkable, n da audience enjoyed! Em… there is sumtin more I should tell, shortly before we packed PS2, suddenly bapak try his luck with da guitar (just in a short period though)…. Hehehe….. it reminds me of da quote, “in every man, a child is hidden that wants to play”….
Apart from da other visits, this time we (da TGBrianz) gather at KFC Shah Alam.
We got ourselves some nice lunch there. Having da French fries makes me wonder… maybe someone in Khairiyah would franchises keledek fries someday…Saturday, July 19, 2008
Mass visit to Khairiyah.
to make it simpler, it goes like this;
Mass visit to Khairiyah
27th of July, Sunday
UiTMs will go on their outing on 9am. as for UIAs, we might as well on our way by 9am. INTEC.... x tau la... if i'm correct, all of us will arrive at Khairiyah by 11.30-12.00. we might stay there until Zohor. from Khairiyah, our next destination depends on majority.
Students of INTEC, UiTM Shah Alam and UIA PJ. participating from other campuses are highly welcomed.
1)Motivate da orphans. As mid-sem exam will take much time on August, this might be da last visit before UPSR, which is scheduled on 9th of September. lets share our exam tips with them.
2)Promote da spirit of Islamic brotherhood among pre-universities/universities students and da needy. Thus, acts as a platform on conducting charity work.
3)Gathering of TGBrianz.
If any participants have an intention or suggestion for activities that would likely be carry out during da visit, such as games, slideshows, group dynamics, futsal tournament of TGBrianz VS Khairiyah and so on... just hint da commitee or u can just leave a shout on our shout box.
*There isn't any proper tentatives for da visit. But its ok to propose one (if any).
To participate, do inform Zafree, Dyau, and Nadira for da students in INTEC, UIA PJ and UiTM Shah Alam respectively. As for others, u are free to contact any of us and we will guide your way to Khairiyah.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
agm ansara
sorry for not telling the updates earlier. so, the bowling tournament went well...
th batch that had sent their representatives are from the year 1985, 86, 87, 88, 92, 95, 96 and our batch.
meeting start pkol 6.30 ptg and i was the only one yg ade kat sane. yg laen dh blah dlu...
first, diorg bg ucapan then pembentangan laporan tahunan...
pastu ajk baru untuk ansara jasin 2008-2010 dilantik.. new faces. kak liza x jadi exco lagi tapi jgn risau sbb she assured us that she'll help us.. so, we will have to keep the new ajk updated.
then, baru tayangan video group kite.. it went well, ramai yang tepuk tangan...
kak liza invited everyone from ansara to help us and insya allah, we'll have a good feedback.
pastu, penyampaian hadiah.. haaa, ni yang menarik ni... batch kite x menang satu pon.. oleh sebab aku dok kat seblah dr. asri waktu die announce the winner tu, aku curi2 tgk and batch kite dpt nombor last.. ya allah, nasib baek lah die x announce.. kalo x aku sorang je yg cover muke walaupun aku x maen...
so, any question ask me.. kalo korg nak details waktu bowling tournament bole tanye ateeka and yg bowling ari tu... seronok gak lah diorang maen.. ade sorg akak from batch 96 yg dok seblah kitorg ckp dgn aku waktu agm, die ckp seronok tgk kitorg maen, x serius sgt pastu gile2.. huahuahua..
Friday, June 6, 2008
Wakil batch
1.Zafree 513
2. Hafiz 518
3. Irfan 514
4. Furqan 507
5. ateeka 508
Those who are interested to join the agm, do tell us..
Right now i'm trying to figure out how to send the form to ansara
save me...
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Sending a Team for Ansara Jasin Bowling Tournament
Sehubungan dengan presentation projek batch mase AGM Ansara nnt, sekretariat Ansara Jasin berharap batch kita boleh hantar 5 orang wakil untuk Pertandingan Boling Ansara Jasin 14 Jun nanti.
Tolong inform kepada TGBrianz 06/07 yang lain. untuk memudahkan urusan, blh bg name kat Nadira ataupun Dyau. Do register before 7th of June.
Do your best, bagi batch kite menang... hehehe...
tiada niat untuk mempromosi atau apa sahaja yang sewaktu dengannya.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Final Preparation...
Dhiyauddin, Zaiem, dan Hisham telah ke Khairiyah untuk shooting scene pelengkap video, akan tetapi nasib x menyebelahi. Pelakon cilik kita hilang masa tu. Jadi, Dhiyauddin dan sahabat2 shoot scene lain sambil spend quality time dgn adik2 kat
Alhamdulillah, Special Thanks to Ateeka dan Izharuddin sbb all-out untuk siapkan video. Database tentang adik2 Khairiyah pun dah lengkap.
Buat masa ni, semua kerja dah siap, Syukur.
Sekarang ni, kita nak tau, siapa free 14 Jun 2008, Sabtu.
Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan ANSARA akn berlangsung.
Hari tu, kita akan tayang video dan Insya-Allah, kutip sumbangan sekali.
Jadi, mana-mana TGBrianz 06/07 yg lapang hari tu, do contact us.
atau Nadira (utk yg tau).
Dan kepada anak-anak yatim janganlah kamu melakukan sewenang-wenangnya dan kepada orang yang meminta janganlah kamu mengherdiknya dan kepada nikmat Allah, harus kamu nyatakan (dgn bersyukur)…
Surah ad-Duha ayat 9-11
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Painting schedules
15/5/2008- Meeting dengan kak Liza kat Damansara.
21/5/2008- Perjumpaan dengan EXCO Ansara Jasin
14/6/2008- AGM Ansara.
+, beberapa tugas yang lain (utk mrk yg b'kaitan).
Bagi pertemuan-pertemuan diatas,
dengan sukacitanya ahli-ahli kumpulan yang kelapangan
dijemput untuk hadir serta membantu para AJK
membuat persiapan yang sewajarnya
menjelang persembahan semasa AGM Ansara kelak.
Untuk berbuat demikian, anda boleh menghubungi
Setiausaha kump, Nadira mahupun
AJK-AJK yang lain.
Maklumat berkaitan mereka boleh didapati pada pos blog yang terdahulu.
Harap maklum.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Hikayat sang Boling...
Assalamualaikum Peace b upon u..
Arini..kali ni..ak malas sgt nk wat laporan ak wat sempoi je..haha..sorry
Laporan Boling..
Tempat : Cosmic Bowl Mid
Tarikh : 8 Mei 2008, Khamis
Masa :
Kali ni nye aktiviti agak len dr yg len..besenye..kt kumpul kat al-khairiyah tp kali ni kt kumpul kat mid..hv fun instead..haha..agak best r..sbnrnye..ramai sgt org yg dtg..serious 20 org..haha..ktorg men 4 lane..3 game sbb tgh promotion..3 game rm 10..pergh..suke r sume group die..
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Ok..ade la tiga org pompuan yg ayu x men..hahahaha..iaitu..ak..haha..intan..n siti..
Ok ni lak..highest score tau..jeng2
Game 1
Zafree 100
Asyaari 99
Zahia 91
Ramzi 72
Game 2
Usher 116
Izwan 96
Ateeka 94
Mohd 79
Game 3
Ateeka 103
Zafree 100
Usher n Syaqif 96
Mohd 71
N da winner is…..jeng2..USHER…!!!!! yeah..Alhamdulillah..
dgn markah kalo math ak still ok.. tu..
tp sorry usher..x de ak bg hadiah..
tayang gmba pro men boling kat blog..ok r kn..hehe..
hehe..ok laporan berakhir dcni..THANK U SUME…
** Semoga jasa korang sume akn dbalas oleh ALLAH S.W.T…insyaallah…
Laporan yg sempoi ni dsediakan oleh : Nadira Mohamad Zuhri
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
So... come on and join for a game of bowling together. As well as celebrating our friends that will be entering the Matriculation*, next week.
Date: 8th May 2008
Venue: Gather at Mid Valley at the highest floor (near food court)
Time : Starting from 10 a.m.
VIPs : ALL Pucuk Rebung's members and da MRSM TGB's 06/07 batch.
*this is our last meeting.
just come there or u may ask dyau n che nad for further details.
their details r on the past posts on this blog.
by, Hisyam.
From: dyau,
Just to highlight da names that, Insya-Allah will be joining da bowling tournament.
(n more are expected to come! da more, da merrier!)
- Asyaari
- Dhiyauddin
- Zafree
- Muhammad
- Hisyam
- Amirul
- Zaiem
- Haqimmi
- Hafiz
- Izharuddin
- Irfan
- Ramzi
- Helya
- Nadira
- Ateeka
- Zahia
- Athirah
- Siti
- Izzaty
- Fiza
- Amira
- Intan