Sunday, November 16, 2008

A dream come true (Episode 1 of 2)


On 1st November 2008, an unforgettable occasion had taken place at Khairiyah. So meaningful, we even had guest from Kuantan, just to witness this event. Actually, I am not planning to make a formal report, hope you did not mind.

There are much 06/07 TGBrianz who came, Dhiyauddin, Asyaari, Hisham, Haziq, Zaiem, Farid, Muhammad, Hafiz, Zafree, Ateeka, Helya, Fiza, Zahia and Khairani.

By 8.40am of 1st November; I, Asyaari, Haziq Sis, and Ateeka get into a group at KL Sentral. As usual, we took KTM for Klang…

It almost like da first time we went to Khairiyah, da station is not thronged, there are some foreigners asking us for directions, we chatted like we haven’t meet for years… and our minds were imagining da faces we would help…

Helya was waiting for us at KTM Shah Alam Station…

Way back during 3rd of February, Zafree and Athirah Nur were waiting at KTM Shah Alam for me, Muhammad and Liyana as we depart from da same exact place,…

As we arrived at KTM Klang, Hisham greet us and he drove us safely to Khairiyah…

Da ‘Fisrt Squad’ were taken to Khairiyah by Athirah’s Unser from KTM Klang, driven by her father. Well, at that time none of the group members had a license or even a car. Gradually, after da first visit, we had Zafree with his Gen-2 and Hisham with his Kembara…

Haji Tolos dan isteri

Just as we stepped into Khairiyah, Haji Tolos hugged me and gave us an unmistakenly, sincere smile. From their hall, I could see Daniel waving hello and Siti Zubaidah with her friends get out from da hostel to see who is visiting…

When we first get there, bapak seems confused by our presence and asked us questions but later on accompanied us, showing us around Khairiyah… introduced us to da kids, and exchanging weird glances among us…

Grand Hall

Khairiyah had us in surprise, their ‘Meja Cendawan’ that been repainted, with pink. Da playing courts had a nice big canopy on them, amusingly covered the place. Like a grand dinner hall had just been constructed, with all da tables and balloons… Most of us are helping out on da balloons, blow it big enough, tied it around da ‘hall’….

This is my Balloon!

Ikat belon tu, ikat...

Kita buat sama-sama ye

To be continued...